Learn To Be Disciplined!

Learn To Be Disciplined!

Hi friend, Rarely do I hear about the word discipline and why it’s so important. I think practicing discipline is one of the strongest forms of self-love. Think about this for a moment. Discipline is ignoring current pleasures for bigger rewards to come. Now if...
It’s easier to succeed than you think!

It’s easier to succeed than you think!

When we start to make changes towards better health and eating better, oftentimes we feel deprived. But it’s not what we really are, it’s what we are telling ourselves. Are you aware of the self-sabotaging thoughts? Did you know it’s easier to...
Would you like to rewrite your success story for 2020?

Would you like to rewrite your success story for 2020?

Did you know that only 8% of people who set a New Year’s health resolution accomplish it! Wow, that’s it? That doesn’t seem like too many people to me. So if you are one of those people in the past years, what got in your way of accomplishing what you wanted?...
Knowing what it takes to reach your health goals

Knowing what it takes to reach your health goals

It is YOUR year to succeed at being the healthiest and best version of you! Do you believe this? If you don’t believe it, then you know where you need to start as far as working towards reaching your health goals. You have to believe you can succeed. That is...
Now is the time

Now is the time

Welcome to a new week. It’s Monday again. Some people like Monday’s because it is a blank slate to create the best week ahead. Others dread it and drudgingly go through because they have. I bring this up because I wonder which category you are in.  i personally...
Are your current habits serving you?

Are your current habits serving you?

Hello and welcome to a new week. So many of us are excited for a new year! For those I have spoken to recently, you have stated that you really want to accomplish some BIG things in your health. I definitely applaud you for that. Maybe last year you worked...